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Come Fill Me (The Prophecy) Page 16

She pressed her fingertips into his strong back and sucked his shoulder, savoring the cleanliness of his skin, drowning in his male scent and unquenchable need of her.

  There was no stopping Zeke Neekoma now. He entered her in one savage thrust, filling Liz so completely their bodies made a sharp smacking sound upon contact. The noise didn’t cause him to mellow. His actions remained primal, a male animal claiming a female as he willed, leaving his mark on her to warn away all other takers.

  Liz gasped as Zeke pulled back, then penetrated her repeatedly. She sensed Jacob watching, wanting to do the same with her.

  Not today. Not ever again. That truth was in Zeke’s hold on her. The way he captured her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside, not allowing her anything except a meek whimper. The sound a woman makes when she’s been dominated by a man…her man.

  What a lovely ring that had to it. During this act, Liz allowed herself to rejoice in the thought. She would’ve been crazy to do otherwise. Zeke was magnificent. Honorable. Tender. Hot as hell. Strong. His endurance far greater than Jacob’s, his stubborn determination keeping her from orgasm.

  He slowed his thrusts, then quickened them, only to slow once more. He used her as no other man had, his mastery laced with warmth and devotion Liz couldn’t have resisted if she’d tried.

  She never wanted this to end.

  Her body said otherwise, her cunt tightening around his cock, causing even more friction between them, coaxing her closer to orgasm. The same as Zeke stroking her nub. Somehow, he’d managed to slip his free hand between their bodies.

  Aw shit, she couldn’t stand it. She smacked his shoulder, then pounded it with her fist to get him to stop.

  He rubbed faster, harder, his actions telling her he commanded and she obeyed.

  No, no, no, damn. She broke. With her hands fisted in his hair, she cried out her release, every part of her shuddering from its power.

  Zeke continued for what seemed like minutes, pounding, thrusting, manipulating her clit.

  Perspiration coated his shoulders. It dripped from his jawline and ran down the hollow between her breasts.

  “Mine,” he whispered, then thrust again and spoke through his teeth. “Mine.”

  She licked his shoulder and whispered in return, “Yes, yours. Only yours.” Always. Even after she left here and killed Carreon, bringing about her own death in the process.

  Assured, Zeke behaved with a bit more tenderness, nuzzling her neck, stroking her back. His gentle attention didn’t last. Liz was glad. She didn’t want it to. She wanted him to fuck her raw.

  His carnal hunger returned, more unruly than it had been. With his renewed thrusts, her shoulders and ass smacked into the wall. His balls tapped her ass. She dug her nails into him. He tightened his hold. Then, on an unrefined bellow, he finally came, the noise filling the room.

  Drowning out all other sounds, all other considerations.

  He held on to her, saying without words that she was his now.

  Liz caressed him in return, running her fingertips over his moist skin, warning herself that their time was coming to an end.

  Chapter Ten

  Throughout the night, Zeke held on to Liz, his body blocking her from Jacob, his arm resting on her waist, his leg draped across both of hers.


  Not his brother’s. Not Carreon’s. Not any other man’s. His. Zeke wouldn’t share her. He wasn’t going to bring her back either.

  The men he led had argued against his plan, saying it was foolish, crazy, suicidal.

  “You need to leave her to her own people,” Ike had said earlier. He was the same age as Zeke. They’d played together as kids and as men had vowed to bring Carreon down. “What you want to do might not work.”

  “Hell, it won’t work,” another of his friends said. “It’s too much of a risk.”

  Zeke knew that, but it didn’t matter. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked for your help. I’ll do this alone.”

  “No.” Ike grabbed Zeke’s wrist, stopping him from leaving the meeting area. “You’ll never survive.”

  If he lost Liz, that was a foregone conclusion. Zeke pulled his arm back, freeing himself. His other friends stood in his way, not allowing him to leave, trying to talk some sense into him.

  As they did, Zeke finally realized Jacob had slipped away to return here.

  The memory of what Zeke had seen upon his arrival—Liz flushed with arousal, his brother spent from having mounted her—still rankled.

  Lucky for Jacob, he was being very still and quiet now. Why?

  Making certain not to wake Liz, Zeke pushed up and glanced over. No Jacob. Zeke listened, expecting to catch sounds coming from the bath…his brother taking a shower or using the toilet.

  If anything, it was too damned quiet. Had Jacob left? When? Not to mention, why? Because he knew he’d never have another chance to be with Liz?

  Hoping for that, Zeke sagged back down. The mattress wiggled a bit, though not enough to cause the springs to make any noise. His belly, on the other hand… The damn thing growled, the sound long and intrusive, telling Zeke it had to be well past morning, possibly lunch. No doubt the reason Jacob had left. He’d gotten hungry and was in the dining area eating.

  It wasn’t the best place for Zeke to have a talk with his little brother. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to put off the inevitable any longer.

  He lifted his arm and leg from Liz, pausing to see if she’d awaken and ask him a bunch of questions he didn’t feel like answering.

  Not that, please.

  She remained on her side, one hand beneath her cheek, her hair fanned across her shoulder, the ends caressing her throat as she slept.

  Smiling, Zeke had to restrain himself from brushing back her thick, fragrant mane, nuzzling her neck, smelling, touching, loving her. He’d do that later. All of today. Tonight. Every tomorrow they had.

  He was going to give them a future at each other’s side. He’d make it happen even without the help of his men. First, though, he had to see to Jacob.

  Zeke left the bed and pulled on his jeans. With one last glimpse at Liz, he headed into the hall.

  At the end of it, Jacob stopped, an apple to his mouth, his bite halted at seeing his older brother.

  Jacob’s expression reminded Zeke of when they were boys and he’d caught him doing something he shouldn’t. Like rifling through their parents’ drawers to see what treasures he’d find. Borrowing Zeke’s stuff and using it as though it were his own. They’d fought over just about everything. Not once did it diminish their bond.

  Love, the enduring kind one has for a sibling, welled in Zeke now. He’d die for Jacob without a moment’s consideration or hesitation. That hadn’t changed.

  He wouldn’t share Liz, though. Her presence here, her feelings for him and only him weren’t negotiable.

  Before he could go to Jacob and tell him the score, his brother swaggered down the hall, eager for a fight.

  Zeke suppressed a sigh.

  Without as much as a fuck you, Jacob grabbed the knob to his room, turning it to go inside.

  Not in this life. Zeke clamped his hand on his brother’s wrist, stopping him.

  Fury darkened Jacob’s complexion. “Let go.”

  “Keep your damn voice down,” Zeke ordered. “You’re not going in there.”

  “Wanna bet? It’s my fucking room.”

  “So it is.” He gripped his brother’s wrist even tighter, keeping him from opening the door. “But Liz is mine.”

  Jacob pushed his face into Zeke’s. “She belongs to both of us.”

  “She never belonged to you. She simply healed you at my request.”

  Exaggerated surprise registered on his face, and then he grinned. “So that’s what she was doing with me while you were out of the room. I wondered why she was moaning so loud and begging me to keep fucking—”

  “Don’t test me on this,” Zeke warned. “I’ll fight you for her, and I’ll win. She loves me.”

Jacob’s expression got downright ugly. He twisted his arm to get free. “She told you that? When? While you’ve kept her trapped in my room? While you’ve kept her away from me?”

  Jesus. Zeke released him and stepped in front of the door, keeping Jacob from it. “Go back to Kele,” he advised.

  “Or what? You’ll have me locked up? You’ll prove you’re the big bad leader of the clan?”

  “You want the job?” Zeke countered. “Fine. Take it. I never asked for it. I sure as shit don’t enjoy it. Thousands of times I’ve wanted to take off and never look back. To have some goddamned peace for a change rather than all the crap I have to go through.”

  “Because of me, right? That’s what you’re saying.” He curled his upper lip. “You don’t like what you do, then don’t do it, beginning with telling me what to feel, who to love.”

  “I’m giving you some much-needed advice. Don’t be an idiot and ignore it. Kele’s a good woman. She adores you.” He rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  Jacob punched it off. “I want Liz.”

  Zeke ordered himself to remain calm and reason, not to scream as he wanted to. “Why? You don’t love her.”

  “Really. How do you know that? You see it in one of your precious visions?”

  “I didn’t have to. I know you.” He pointed out the obvious. “Since Liz belongs to me, you want her, just like everything else I’ve ever had. She’s new, what you’ve never experienced before, unlike any of our women and that’s also why you want her. For the time being, that is, until you grow tired of her, which you will.”

  “The same as you.”

  This time, Zeke got in Jacob’s face. “That’s not true, and you know it.”

  “The only thing I know is how I feel and what I want.”

  “Then that’s too fucking bad—you can’t have her.” Zeke fished the room’s key from his pocket and locked the door, keeping his brother out.

  Jacob fisted his hand around his apple. He took a step back. “This isn’t over.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Zeke huffed out a sigh and tried his best to reach Jacob, get through that thick skull of his. “You—”

  He stopped at movement in the corner of his eye. At the end of the hall stood Kele, hurt on her lovely face.

  Shit. How much had she heard?

  Zeke stepped around Jacob to go to her. She pivoted and ran in the opposite direction.

  “Get her,” Zeke ordered. “Calm her down before she upsets the women even further.” Especially Isabel. “She’s been talking about Liz to them and they’ve been talking to the men. I don’t want her stirring up any shit that’s going to harm Liz.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to Liz while I’m around.”

  Zeke advanced, crowding his brother. Jacob stood his ground for a moment, before stepping back. “Get her,” Zeke repeated. “Be nice and talk to her for a change. Notice she’s alive.”

  “And then what? Marry her? Have a few kids so she’s okay with all this?” He bared his teeth. “I can’t change how I feel just to make you happy.”

  “I’m not asking you to. Just speak with her. Convince her that this isn’t about Liz. It’s not about any woman. What you feel for Kele isn’t what she needs or deserves. She should move on and find another guy.”

  “You think I haven’t made that clear already?”

  “Try again. Please.”

  “And if it doesn’t work, then what?”

  Zeke hadn’t a clue.

  “That’s what I thought.” Jacob turned on his heel and spoke over his shoulder as he headed in Kele’s direction, “Like I said, this isn’t over.”

  Liz opened the nightstand’s bottom drawer and searched through Jacob’s underwear, just as she had his socks and tees in the other drawers. No key here either. Damn.

  She’d awakened a short time earlier, hearing him and Zeke going at it, arguing about her and Kele. When they finally fell silent and moved away, Liz had gotten dressed and tried the door, confirming what she thought she’d heard but hadn’t quite believed—one of them locking her inside.

  This lunacy had to stop before Zeke and Jacob beat each other to a pulp over her, or their people locked them both up for acting like testosterone-addled teens. She rounded the bed, heading for the bath. There had to be a piece of metal in there that she could use to spring the lock or pry open the door.

  With one touch, she had the walls glowing and scanned the area, not finding anything she could use.

  Returning to the bedroom, she bounced in place, finally focusing on the lamp nearest her. She removed the prong that supported the shade and fell to her knees at the door, working its metal end into the lock, making her plans.

  Once she was in the hall, she’d retrace the steps she’d taken upon first coming here. She’d reach the garage. Hopefully, the metal door would be open, and she’d slip into the tunnel, running down it and into the desert, heading for Carreon’s stronghold.

  Wherever in the fuck it might be.

  Don’t think about that. She had to concentrate on getting this freaking lock open first. Every time she turned the prong or applied the least bit of pressure, the stupid thing jerked out, causing her knuckles to ram into the wood.

  “Shit.” She sucked her scraped fingers, then froze at the sound of a key on the other side.

  As fast as possible, Liz backed up, falling to her butt.

  The lock clicked; the knob turned; the door opened.

  On her feet, she caught a glimpse of Zeke before she darted past him into the hall.

  Halfway down it, he caught up with her, his hand gripping her upper arm. “Hey. What do you think you’re doing?”

  Liz turned to him. “Let me go. Please. I have to go back now.”

  He regarded the hall past her and the area behind them. They were still alone. Rather than acknowledging what she’d said, he pulled her toward Jacob’s room.

  “Zeke, no.” She fought him as best she could, pressing the balls of her feet into the floor, slowing his pace.

  At last, he stopped, sucked in a deep breath, then swept her into his arms.

  “Dammit, Zeke.” She punched his shoulder.

  “Stop it,” he growled, bringing her back into Jacob’s room. He kicked the door closed with his foot and let her down.

  She staggered back, her legs hitting the bed. On it was a tray with lunch for two—plates heaped with fresh fruit, what looked to be turkey sandwiches, coffee, milk. The tall glasses clinked against each other. The utensils jiggled.

  What in the hell was this about? Zeke expected her to start eating in here to keep her away from his brother and their people? For how long? Did he honestly believe his clan would ever accept her or that Jacob was going to back down and be a good boy?

  Not about to debate the subject, Liz headed for the door. Just as quickly, Zeke grabbed her arm again. “You’re not going to win this fight,” he said.

  “Neither are you.” She pried his hand from her and faced him. “I have to go back. Now. This very minute.”


  She glared at him. “You can’t stop me.”

  “I just did.” He planted his hands on his lean hips and got so close Liz could smell coffee on his breath. “What’s this about?”

  “Isn’t it obvious to you?”

  “Would I be asking if it was?” His frown deepened as he noticed the metal prong and the shade she’d removed. “Did Kele try to bother you while I was gone? Did she say something through the—”

  “I heard you and Jacob arguing, Zeke.”

  Surprise and then concern erased his irritation. Still, he shrugged. “So, we fight. Big fucking deal. Brothers do that all the time.”

  “Not over me. I won’t have it.”

  “Liz.” He gave her one of those puppy-dog looks that said she was overreacting, then reached for her.

  She sidled away. Zeke followed. Liz kept backing up until the bed got in her way again. The glasses chinked.

  “Keep doing that,”
he warned, “and there’ll be more milk on the tray than in your glass.”

  “I want to go back to my father. Listen to me,” she said, interrupting him. “I don’t belong here. I’m the enemy. The men don’t trust me, and the women resent me, especially Kele.”

  “She’ll get over it. They all will. They know you healed Jacob and me. You’ve seen to the children.”

  “That doesn’t make me one of them, Zeke. Keeping me here isn’t going to change that or fix this mess.”

  “It’s not a mess. I’ll take care of everything.” He cradled her face in his large hand. “Trust me. Please.”

  Liz wanted to resist, but his hopeful smile and gentle touch defeated her. She sagged into him, her fingers gripping his tee. These last moments together were all they had, and Liz couldn’t deny herself that even as she continued to argue. “This isn’t going to work out.”

  “It will.” He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. “You’ll stay here with me and my people. We’ll find your father, and we’ll bring him here to be with you.”


  “Don’t leave me,” he begged, pulling her back into him, wrapping his arms around her. “You’ll never make your father safe by returning to Carreon’s stronghold. He’ll always use him to keep you in line, at least until he finds someone else in your clan with the same healing powers you two have. It’s inevitable for that to happen. The only way both of you can have a future is here.”

  “With a clan that hates us, with that getting even worse if any of your men are killed trying to rescue my father?”

  “Shhh.” He pressed his lips to her temple and squeezed her gently. “My men aren’t fools, Liz. They rescued me. We’ll make our move when Carreon least expects it. As far as my people hating you and your father, you’re wrong. They detest Carreon and his men for what they’ve done. You and your father have never been a part of that. My people are reasonable, Liz. You know that. You’ve seen them. Have any of them threatened you? Has even one of them said an unkind word? Except for Kele,” he added quickly.

  Liz pressed her face into his shoulder, sighing at the sweet scent of his freshly laundered tee. “No.”